American Academy of Religions – Boston November 17-21

miniSACP- Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy

P17-245 Panel Theme:

The Legacy and Challenges of Raimon Panikkar

Friday, 2:00 PM–7:00 PM

Marriott Copley Place-Massachusetts (Fifth Level)


Raimon Panikkar (1918–2010), a self-described Buddhist-Christian-

Hindu, has been widely acknowledged as one of the most influential

religious thinkers of the twentieth century. To celebrate Panikkar’s

legacy and examine his challenges for religious studies and theology,

the Lutterworth Press (Cambridge, UK) is bringing out a volume:


Raimon Panikkar: A Companion

edited by Peter C. Phan and Young-chan Ro,

with fifteen essays on various aspects of Panikkar’s thought.

 At this session the participants will respond to other than one’s own

essays. The purpose of the session is for the contributors (and the

audience) to learn more about Panikkar beyond the areas of one’s

own expertise. The session also includes other presenters than those

contributors to the forthcoming book:

Joseph Prabhu, California State University, Los Angeles

Raimon Panikkar as a Christian Thinker: An Appreciation

Michiko Yusa, Western Washington University

Raimon Panikkar and the Silence of the Buddha

Jyri Komulainen, University of Helsinki

Panikkar the Dialogical Man: Religion and Religions

Abraham Velez de Cea, Eastern Kentucky University

Hermeneutics, Myth, Symbol, Religious Language

Young-chan Ro, George Mason University

Mysticism and Spirituality in Raimon Panikkar

Leo Lefebure, Georgetown University

Who’s Is Playing with Whom? The Many Dwelling Places of Wisdom in the Theology of Raimon Panikkar

Anselm Min, Claremont Graduate University

The Trinity and the Cosmotheandric Vision: Reflections on Panikkar’s Intercultural Theology

Roberta Cappellini, Florence, Italy

Gender and Sexuality in Raimon Panikkar’s Vision

Fred Dallmayr, University of Notre Dame

Sacred Secularity and Prophetism: A Tension in Panikkar’s Work?

Peter C. Phan, Georgetown University

Raimon Panikkar’s “Eschatology”: The Unpublished Chapter

Francis X. Clooney, Harvard University

An Epilogue, After Panikkar

Erik Ranstrom, Rosemont College

Raimon Panikkar and the Contemplative Life: Lessons for a Spiritual

Director in the Ignatian Tradition

Mark Banas, Georgia State University

Panikkar at the Movies: Examples of Myth and Logos in Film

Seungchul Kim, Nanzan University

Venture in the Forest

: Reading and Translating Raimon Panikkar