BOLOGNA, 5-8 Marzo 2018 Primo Convegno annuale della European Academy of Religion.

EUARE-visualMarch 8th: Panel by Sergio Sorrentino (Univ.Salerno)

Issues concerning Plurality of ReligionsSubsection or Subtopics: 1) Religion on the scale of individuals, human groups and cultures; 2) Religion within the set of a culture; 3) Religion, religious community and religion within a society.

In today conditions of a globalization religion gets in a very dfficult situation. She is almost all over in our world either brought back to a relativism of beliefs or to a fundamentalism. This way religion occurs mostly as a variety of human beliefs and practices. This very mobile universe of unfathomable plurality is constantly oscillating between irrelevance or utmost value. Therefrom arise the necessity of better comprehending religion and her differring into a plurality. This Panel will try to discuss about the following issues: 1) what is religion and what does distinguish religions from each other? 2) What does make difference between religions or between religion and a-religion? 3) What does discriminate religion from a-religion and why? 4) Religion against relativism. 5) Individuals, human groups, social sets or cultures on the background of religion.


Elisabetta Ribet (Univ. di Strasbourg),

Sacralisation of Technics and the notion of “nouveau sacré” by Jacques Ellul

Alumkal Joy (Philosophy College, New Delhi, Universitad de Mystica, Avila,Spain), Fundamentalism and Relativism in the Context of the Plurality ofReligions: An Indian Analysis

Roberta Cappellini (CIRPIT) Uniqueness and Plurality of religions

SALA LETTURA 8/91 , ore 10,30-12,30