copertina CRRaimon Panikkar Symposium – San Diego, November 2014 – Proceedings- Publication in print and e-book, affordable online

Under the auspices of The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP). In conjunction with the Annual Meeting of The American Academy of Religion (AAR) – Edited by Joseph Prabhu, Young-Chan Ro

The AAR meeting has for long been an annual feature, where scholars of religion gather from around the world to discuss various aspects of religion across time and space and culture. In conjunction with the Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP), members of both societies have thought the AAR meetings a good opportunity to hold an annual meeting of Panikkar scholars On this particular occasion, Young-chan Ro and Joseph Prabhu invited contributions to two panels, one for more senior scholars and the other for scholars and researchers, who engaged with Panikkar either as part of their doctoral dissertations or as part of their ongoing research. The papers by Mark Banas, Erik Ranstrom, Anselm Min, Peter Phan, and Young-chan Ro represent revised versions of the presentations made in the San Diego symposium. Some parts of the paper by Joseph Prabhu were presented at the AAR/SACP symposium, but the full paper provided here draws on an essay presented at another Panikkar conference.
