Category: news

December 2015 This is a long over-due up-date for our LiT-uPP friends and supporters. First I want to tell you about the project’s growth at Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla (CCWF). And then I want to share the news of a possible grant award to let us expand the program ...
Jerusalem, December 2nd, Van Leer Institute on the occasion of the 50°Anniversary of Nostra Aetate Program THE FUTURE OF INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE IN ISRAEL 2.12.2015 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RON KRONISH Founding Director, Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel The Future of Interreligious Dialogue in Israel Posted: 12/08/2015 5:25 pm EST Updated: 12/08/2015 5:59 pm EST What does the future for interreligious ...
La riflessione circa le modalità e l’urgenza di un dialogo tra le culture interpella, al pari di altre discipline, anche l’indagine filosofica. Questo volume si propone dunque di esplorare tre itinerari interculturali proposti da illustri pensatori dei nostri tempi: Paul Ricoeur, Raimon Panikkar e Bernhard Waldenfels. Sono poste in evidenza ...
The Society for Asian Comparative Philosophy, under the aegis of The American Academy of Religions (2015) hosts the Symposium. Intercultural dialogical dialogue is a viable alternative in this globalized world to the conflict model of major world civilizations. In this Symposium panellists reflect on the philosophical and theological legacy of Raimon ...
Per una lettura di anteprima si veda il sito:
Il Cirpit sarà presente alla prossima edizione del festival con un evento in programma il 27 settembre alle 15 c/o Circolo dei lettori, sala gioco - dialogo. Qui il programma generale di Torino Spiritualità 2015 Il silenzio attivo, reinventare la spiritualità con la ricerca artistica Nell’era della globalizzazione e del pluralismo, facilitare incontri ...
by Anthony Savari Raj, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Manipal University Jaipur, India. Paper presented at the International Seminar "The Role of Spirituality in Promoting Reconciliation," jointly organized by the Council of Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP), Washington D.C., the Romanian Academy - Iaşi Branch and the Bretanion Institute, in Constanta, ...
The Game-Changer in the Vatican: Thoughts on Pope Francis and His Laudato Sii        by Joseph Prabhu, Professor of Philosophy (California State University, Los Angeles) When Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina was elected Pope by the College of Cardinals in March 2013, and chose the name of Francis in honor of St. ...
Milano, Museo Diocesano, Sublimar Edizione Giugno 2015 Dialogo come nutrimento delle coscienze I parte: interventi di M.Roberta Cappellini, Giuseppe Billoni - Interviste di Massimo Pucci I Nove Punti del Manifesto della Terra La metafora del Novenario o dei Nove Sutra è ricorrente nell’opera panikkariana e non rappresenta un modello di compiutezza, ma una sintesi ...
Paper presented at the International Conference on Asian Values and Human Future, from 8-9 July 2015 at Don Bosco University Guwahati in collaboration with Hubei University.   The “Hope” of Traditions for Human Future Abstract My article likes to be a small contribution to the dialogue of cultures which indeed has become a contemporary ...