Denver November 16 SACP-AAR -Panikkar and Dialogue with Islam


Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, American Academy of Religions

Theme: Raimon Panikkar Symposium 2018: Raimon Panikkar and Dialogue with Islam Friday – 3:30 PM-6:30 PM  – Hyatt Regency-Mineral C (Third Level)

The 2018 Panikkar Symposium celebrates the centenary of Raimon Panikkar (1918-2010) and explores Panikkar’s “intrareligious dialogue”. Following the roundtable discussion, the symposium organizers will celebrate the publication of Raimon Panikkar: A Companion (Cambridge: James Clarke, 2018) with the authors and the publisher of this volume. All these events are open to the public.
Abdulaziz Sachedina, George Mason University
Young-chan Ro, George Mason University
Peter C. Phan, Georgetown University
Fred Dallmayr, University of Notre Dame
Michiko Yusa, Western Washington UniversityS