2016 American Academy of Religions Sant Anthony Tx, November 18-22

raimon_eranos0000SACP Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy
Raimon Panikkar Symposium: Raimon Panikkar and His
Intellectual and Spiritual Legacy
Friday, 2:00 PM–6:00 PM
Grand Hyatt-Bowie B (2nd Level)
This symposium is to explore various aspects of Raimon Panikkar
not only as a scholar but also as a profound thinker who was able to
find his intellectual and spiritual sources of inspiration from medieval
theology in the West to the major religious and spiritual traditions
of the East. The panel will discuss specific issues and topics including
ontology, eternity, gender, mysticism and spirituality that Panikkar had
so profoundly expounded. The symposium welcomes anyone who is
interested in Panikkar and his thoughts.
Anselm K. Min, Claremont Graduate University
Aquinas and Panikkar on the Destiny of Being
Peter C. Phan, Georgetown University
Time and Eternity: Raimon Panikkar on the End of Being

M. Roberta Cappellini, CIRPIT, Gender and sexuality in R. Panikkar’s vision

Young-chan Ro, George Mason University
A Mystical Dimension of Panikkar’s Way of Thinking

Michiko Yusa, Western Washington University
Emptiness and Christianess

Erik Ranstrom, Rosemont College
Raimon Panikkar and the Contemplative Life: Lessons f